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Membership Benefits:

By becoming a paid Member, you are:
    • Supporting Kannada
    • Help nurture Culture of Karnataka
    • Help bring all Kannadigas in Northern California together

    • Make new Friends and Extend your Kannadiga Family
    • Opportunity to showcase your talent on a large KKNC Stage
    • Opportunity to Volunteer and learn skills in your area of interest
    • Opportunity to perform on stage with local and guest artists
    • Free Entry:
        ⁃ Sankranti Celebrations
        ⁃ Yugadi Celebrations
        ⁃ Sports Day
        ⁃ Deepavali Celebrations
        - Runner's Club
    • Member Discounted entry fee:
        - Kannadotsava
        - KKNC camping
        - Various workshops conducted by visiting celebrity artists
    • Free Electronics Newsletter
    • Free Swarnasethu Magazine, annual KKNC magazine containing articles by members including children.



Social Media

Grand Annual Sponsor

Gold Sponsor
